Vi løser vanskeligere tekniske rekrutteringer

I mer enn 11 år har vi spesialisert oss på rekruttering i både IT- og ingeniørbransjen. Vi matcher mer enn 250 stillinger årlig med tunge tekniske ledere og spesialister.

It-spesialister, ingeniører og ledere

Med mer enn 250 leder- og spesialistrekrutteringer løst årlig har vi gjennom de seneste 11 årene dannet et bredt faglig nettverk av IT-spesialister, ingeniører og tekniske ledere.

Vi har derfor erfaringen som trengs for å finne teknisk tunge profiler til stillinger som kan være vanskelige å besette.



Communication with the consultants was top notch. In addition to the scheduled meetings and phone calls, there was a good transfer of information in the many status emails. The candidate presentations were very positive. It was easy to form a personal impression of all the candidates from the consultants’ summary.”

Karl Johan Lisby, Head of DevOps & Framework

Capax is to be highly commended for their work ethic and results. I did not expect that in such a short time, we had already come so far in an otherwise grueling process. It was easy to give them free rein with the recruitments, and focus my energy on my own work, and still get highly satisfactory results. Our Hiring Managers in particular loved their status emails, it was easy to always get back to them and create a good overview of potential candidates.”

Jonas Fabricius-Bekker, Head of People, 

Capax has delivered a competent delivery on recruitment of specialist positions in the IT field. We have felt at ease throughout the process, where Capax’s competent staff have presented us with interesting and motivated candidates.

Dennis Paydar Huynh, Team Lead, Talent Acquisition

You’ve found the person that was perfect for us. It was a difficult position, a very technical job. We reached out to a contact regarding your proposed candidate, who told us that there are two people in Denmark that can do what we are trying to do, and this is one of them, that is testament to you finding the best candidate.”

Tom Greene, Cheif Growth Officer, BLAST

Capax gave new life to our recruitment process. Their approach to the task was completely different from what we have experienced with previous partners. They were very proficient at communicating the positions, as well as NTG as a company. They deserve a pat on the back.”

Jesper B. Ørvad, Group Director

We’ve got a really good result. The ongoing dialogue/communication has gone well, with Capax taking good action on that part of the process. All in all, a good experience.”

Niels Henrik Wulff – Director, Command Control & Planning

“Capax was a great help when we needed to hire 3 project managers for our site development team. They had a high success rate and hit the mark with the candidates. 5 out of 5 possible candidates were a professional match and we were able to hire 3 strong profiles within the agreed timeframe. All in all, we are left with a good gut feeling and 3 very qualified project managers for our team”

Jesper Folke Andersen, Teamleder, Projekt Rens & Afløb

“Capax has delivered a competent delivery on recruitment of specialist positions in the IT field. We have felt at ease throughout the process, where Capax’s competent staff have presented us with interesting and motivated candidates.
Capax consultants have deep insight in the market and possess a good understanding of the challenges therein. We experienced professional advice and sparring during the process, where we as partners had an open dialogue and had regular check-ins, which contributed to a good customer satisfaction.
At Ørsted we are happy to be a partner with Capax, as they deliver a professional service based on their professionalism.”

Dennis Paydar Huynh, Team Lead, Talent Acquisition, Ørsted

“100% successful recruitment – we want more! There was good dialogue throughout and Capax were always easy to get in touch with. It was nice to be able to follow on the sidelines and always know where they were in the process. They had a completely different angle on the job description, and it was interesting to be challenged on our usual processes.”

Michael Nielsen, Agile People Leader


GN Group

GN Group seksdobler i størrelse

Capax hjalp med rekrutteringsprosessen da GN Group skulle i gang med en større vekstreise.


Rekruttering til Danmarks største IT-myndighet


Privatisering i forsyningsbransjen

Leter du etter riktig kandidat?

Hos oss får dere en partner som går 100 % inn for oppgaven for å finne den riktige kandidaten for dere. Vi er dypt spesialiserte når det gjelder rekruttering innenfor både it- og ingeniørbransjen og har inngående og unik bransjekunnskap.

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Leter du etter neste karrieremulighet?

Vi står for mange rekrutteringer – derfor vet vi hva som rører seg i bransjen og hvor kompetansen din kan brukes best. Vi har et bredt og variert globalt nettverk og kan derfor hjelpe med karrieremuligheter i inn- og utland. Når du er i prosess hos oss, har du mulighet til å få innspill til CV og gode råd til jobbsamtalen.

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